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How can Kiddocare assure the safety of my child(ren)?

As a matching platform, Kiddocare will, in our best efforts to minimise risks and mishaps during service, ensure the following:

  1. Institute service SOPs and monitoring measures throughout the service session,
  2. Qualify the Kiddocarers through mandatory trainings and assessments.

The responsibility and quality of service lies with the Kiddocarers, thus we suggest that parents provide as much guidelines as possible to the Kiddocarer, and childproof their homes. And if the service takes place outside of the home, then the parents must ensure that the place is safe for their children.

How to ensure that the Kiddocarer is trustworthy?

We take strong measures to ensure that our Kiddocarers meet specific standards. Here are our guidelines:

  1. All our Kiddocarers are registered with complete information.
  2. All our Kiddocarers are security vetted by the PDRM from any criminal reports/records.
  3. You get updates every hour on your child’s condition and so you will be able to gauge your child’s situation. The Kiddocarer only takes care of your child with undivided attention.
  4. You may have a family member around and you may install a Spycam or CCTV to give you assurance. You also may inform your neighbours to check on the babysitter at home. Of course, to address comfort issues, some parents have tried the service for short hours with them around, for observation. If you are comfortable, you may engage with the same Kiddocarer for your next booking.

How can we know that the Kiddocarer is free from COVID-19?

Kiddocare uses KKM/CDC self evaluation guidelines to check for symptoms. Our service SOP strictly says no Kiddocarer can go on service if they have symptoms or were in close or secondary contacts with any red zone locales, infection clusters or persons diagnosed. We declare a mandatory 14-day rest-period for such cases. Some Kiddocarer would get checked in clinics to disqualify symptoms and in such cases, we also recommend rapid test kits or swab tests to be performed.

Given the rise in COVID-19 cases, what are the SOPs for Kiddocarers during COVID-19?

Kiddocare uses KKM/CDC self evaluation guidelines to check for symptoms. Our service SOP strictly says no carer can go on service if they have symptoms or were in close or secondary contacts with any red zone locales, infection clusters or persons diagnosed. We declare a mandatory 14-day rest-period for such cases. Some Kiddocarers get checked in clinics to disqualify symptoms and in such cases, we also recommend rapid test kits or swab tests to be performed. We do encourage our Kiddocarers to get vaccinated and register for the present vaccination drive, some of them are already vaccinated, others are in the process of being vaccinated or still battling to get their vaccination slot.

What about the risks of both Kiddocarers or clients without symptoms? How does Kiddocare handle that?

At the moment, we have asked all working Kiddocarers to make a “fit for work” declaration. We require both Kiddocarer and clients to do this, as we try to limit risks on both sides. This declaration also includes any direct or 3rd party contact they may have with anyone positively identified as infected with Covid-19 or currently being investigated. If they have any exposure, we do not allow them to accept any jobs. Likewise with customers, we don’t allow service to be provided to them. At the point when the Kiddocarer arrives for service, the Kiddocarer would be free from any sickness. Should the client find that the Kiddocarer appear to be sick at the time of service, the client may ask the Kiddocarer to leave, and we will issue a refund.