Payment Method
You can either pay by:
Billplz payments are only accepted for Malaysian Bank Accounts. International Banks are not permitted to use Billplz, and any transactions attempted by international banks will be rejected. Orders placed by international banks using Billplz will not be fulfilled until an alternative payment method is used to make payments. However, we do accept International Credit and Debit Card.
If your payment is made through PayPal, the currency will be automatically converted to USD at the current exchange rate. Note that PayPal adds a currency conversion fee, determined by an external financial institution, to the exchange rate. For further information on PayPal’s currency conversion rates and fees, please contact PayPal directly.
Kiddopoints can be utilised to make full payment or to reduce the payment total if the value is sufficient. By clicking the ‘Kiddo Point’ section, you will be directed to a page that displays the available points. You may proceed to click the drop down arrow and type your available points (numeric only without fullstop or RM e.g : 2300 that is equivalent to RM23)
However, if your point is insufficient, the Kiddo Point section will not be available on the page.