At times, your preschooler will push you to the limit. This is because they are still getting to know the world around them and it’s nuances.
Here are 8 common mistakes parents do while raising preschoolers and how to fix it:
1. Not Following Routines
Consistency is key for pre-schoolers. He/she may get confused and throw more tantrums if their daily routines or your behaviour are random.
Fix it: Be consistent across the board whether it’s with discipline, sleep habits, or mealtime routines.
2. Don’t Focus on the Negative
It’s easy to point out your child’s negative actions and ignore the good ones. Any child would like to be praised, so try your best to acknowledge their positive actions by giving a big hug or kiss. You can also point out their mistakes with the intent to teach, not to scold.
Fix it: Notice when your child is doing something positive, and reward the good behaviour.
3. Missing the Warning Signs of Tantrums
Don’t take your child to the supermarket unless he/she is napped or you’ve prepared the items to mitigate it because once the tantrum is in full force, it will be really hard for you to stop it.
Fix it: Figure out and anticipate what your kid’s natural warning signs are. The usual ones are hunger, fatigue, and boredom.
4. Encouraging Whining
Parents often give in to whines; as a result it reinforces this attention-getting behaviour. Your child will figure out which buttons to push and then push them over and over again just to get your attention. Remember, your child cannot differentiate good attention from bad attention.
Fix it: If the attention-seeking method is a bad one, ignore it.
5. Overscheduling Your Child
Parents often line up a slew of activities then they wonder why their child isn’t getting in bed and falling asleep right away after so many activities or worse, not have the energy to even spend time with the family.
Fix it: Don’t overschedule your child’s day. Give your child time to unwind with free play when he/she gets home from school.
6. Underestimating the Importance of Play
Parents feel they should sign their children up for enrichment programs to give them an edge but what’s most enriching is free play – it is when children’s brains develop best. In play mode, children will normally give themselves the right amount of challenge which is not too easy or too hard.
Fix it: Allow your child time and space for free play. Let them be creative with what they want to play.
7. Getting Distracted By the Daily Grind
A half an hour of concentrated play where you give your undivided attention and you’re not worried about dinner or work is better than giving half-attentions all day.
Fix it: Set a timer, be enthusiastic, and stay involved for your designated play period with your child.
8. Overreacting to Lies
When children start to lie, it’s actually a big cognitive advancement where they discover the weight of what they say. Parents should not freak out. Try to ask your child the reasons why they lie and show empathy while teaching them why it is wrong to lie.
Fix it: Don’t overreact. Know that telling a lie is a normal part of your child’s development. Normally, children tell lies when they want to escape from something (like a punishment).
Effective parenting takes time, patience, and love. It also takes remembering that changes may not happen overnight. If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. Good luck from us at Kiddocare!