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Is this your child?

Gets bored easily

Highly fixated interests

Attached to routines

Repetitive behaviours

Can’t read or speak

Doesn’t interact

Likes to be alone

Cries a lot

Sounds familiar?

1 in 6 children are at risk for developmental delays.

However, babies born during pandemic, have been found to have twice the risk of delay. This means that early identification is crucial.

STRIDE is a development screening where it helps to identify strengths and delays in your toddler’s development.** While screening provides insights, further evaluation by a qualified professional is necessary to determine stages or criticality. With STRIDE, we help you take all the appropriate steps in support of your journey to give the best possible future for your toddler.

**Available in Bahasa and English!

Who do we work with?

The Japanese are well-known for their focus on child development. Their children’s development and growth is the utmost priority for parents. Meet TOY EIGHT, a Japanese education company.

TOY EIGHT’s mission in Creating a world where everyone can unleash their talents fits well with Kiddocare’s mission to build the future of childcare where each child receives the best form of care to foster positive growth.

With STRIDE, we aim to give you and your child the quality care and intervention they deserve.

Why partake in STRIDE?

It’s Simple!

Toy8 screening tool uses interactive app and physical objects, assisted by our Kiddocarers!

It’s Fun!

The app is gamified with intuitive and engaging contents.

Aimed to monitor domains including language & speech, cognitive development, motor skills and social/adaptive behaviour.

It’s Unique!

Results delivered via an analytic system will merge developmental status with your child’s unique strengths.

How it works?

*Eligibility: Child age: 3 years to 5 years, 11 months (on date of screening).
*Screening is available on Tuesday & Friday, 10AM – 4PM only
